Friday, October 6, 2017

Friday Fact

As a dietitian, I come across all walks of life with my clients. Between meal planning and educating individuals on what they need, I can confidently say this, THERE IS NO PERFECT DIET FOR EVERYONE. What works for your best friend or even your husband, most likely will not work for you. And that is okay. Every single person is different and what they need will vary. 

Some things will stay consistent in every diet. Drink your water, don't live off of fast food and eat your fruits and veggies. That's about it. A lot of my clients have diet restrictions like lactose intolerance, vegan or vegetarian and food allergies. So again, what may work for one person, might not work for you at all. The perfect diet is what helps you feel better and what shows you the results you are looking for. 

So keep this in mind next time you're looking at the newest diet trend you see circulating on the internet. With the help of a dietitian like myself, you can find the right diet plan for you. 

For more information, visit my website to see how I can help you!

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