Monday, October 30, 2017

Detox Tea Trend

If you've spent any amount of time on Instagram, Facebook or even Twitter, you've probably seen at least one of these "detox teas" floating around. There's brands such as Fit Tea, BooTea, Skinny Mint and Slim Tea. All of these brands promise one thing - lose weight fast with little effort! Now, I know how that sounds. "I can just drink this tea and I can lose 5 pounds? Great!" We're adults and we're busy and not everyone has time to cook every meal or go to the gym 3 times a week. We may strive for that but it doesn't always work.

In this day in age, we're all about convenience and a quick fix. Especially when it comes to our health. I know several people who think if they eat healthy for a month or two, they're going to have long term results. That's not true what so ever. Healthy eating is lifestyle change - not a phase we go through. To maintain our results, we need to maintain our routine and what got us there.

Which leads me to ask, what happens when you finish your tea? Almost every "teatox" brand offers a two week plan or a four week plan. I have a feeling that if these teas actually worked for you, once you ran out you'd have no choice but to keep repurchasing them. From what I've read, these are usually meant to reduce bloating to give the appearance of a slimmer stomach. But what if we just eliminated from our diet what causes that bloating? High amounts of sodium, soft drinks and even dairy can cause bloating.

Let me know down below what you think. Coming from a dietitian my opinion is a little biased. I truly believe almost all of our weight issues can be fixed with a diet change. But I want to hear from you guys, have you tried any of these teas or other drinks? Did you see a difference and how long did the results last?

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