Thursday, February 1, 2018

February Health Awareness

  • American Heart Month
  • AMD/Low Vision Awareness Month
  • National Children’s Dental Health Month
  • International Prenatal Infection Prevention Month
  • African Heritage & Health Week (first week of February)
  • Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Week (February 7-14)
  • Condom Week (week of Valentine’s Day)
  • Eating Disorders Awareness and Screening Week (last week of February)
  • National "Wear Red” Day for women’s heart health (February 5)
  • Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month
  • World Cancer Day (February 4)
  • Give Kids a Smile Day (February 5)
  • National Donor Day (February 14)

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Common New Year's Resolutions!

Does your resolution make the list? 

Exercise more
Lose weight
Eat more healthily
Take a more active approach to health
Learn new skill or hobby
Spend more time on personal wellbeing
Spend more time with family and friends 
Drink less alcohol
Stop smoking

How will you stick with your resolution this year?

If you're needing tips for sticking to your goals this year we've got several suggestions to get you started!  Mary is always here to help advise and guild your healthy goals! 

Set a specific goal!  Don't leave an open-ended goal hanging. If you want to lose weight, set an exact goal. If you want to spend more time with family and friends set an exact goal, for example, I want to have dinners as a family or I want to turn phones off at 6 pm and have a game night.  Having an exact goal in mind will lead to more success.

Next, how is this possible?  Example: Okay, I want to exercise more.  Well on Saturday's instead of sleeping in an extra couple of hours I will wake up at my normal time and head for a walk, or to the gym. Find out where this new goal fits into your life. 

Now ask yourself: Is this goal realistic?  Set yourself a goal you can achieve. Don't set yourself up for failure to begin with.  If you want to lose weight set a healthy and reasonable amount.  Don't expect yourself to lose 30 pounds in one week and then give up when it doesn't happen.

Get excited!! If your goal is depressing to you, it will be harder to achieve.  Set goals for yourself that excite you and you can be pumped up and thrilled to work towards! 

Monday, January 8, 2018

Recipe Monday!

Let's talk appetizers!   Everyone loves a good snack!!  This will be a total crowd pleaser!

Monday, January 1, 2018

January Health Awareness

  • Cervical Health Awareness Month
  • National Birth Defects Prevention Month
  • National Glaucoma Awareness Month
  • National Radon Action Month
  • National Stalking Awareness Month
  • Thyroid Awareness Month
  • National Winter Sports TBI Awareness Month
  • National Folic Acid Awareness Week (first full week of January)
  • National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week (last week of January)

Friday, December 29, 2017


Let's talk about New Years Resolutions!!! 

What are yours this year?!  How are you going to make them happen this year?! 

How can we keep those resolutions? 
Let's face it, very few of us actually keep those big goals we makes!! So the first thing in keeping your resolution is to think about what you REALLY want. 

Weight is a HUGE resolution I hear about.  So I'm going to focus there for now.
Do you want to lose 10 lbs? Or gain 10? Or maintain that 20lbs you lost last year?  Or is your real goal to be healthy?  Why do you want that weight loss goal?

The first step for any weight related goal is to assess.   Do you eat well?  Do you know what the best foods for you are? 

The next step is to set goals to reach your end goal. 
What is the first thing you need to do to step towards your goal?  Do you have a support system?  Do you know what to do to lose/gain your first pound?  Start with a realistic goal. 

Next is to make a plan.
Write out your goals.

And finally.  Smash those goals!!

If you feel your resolution goals leave you feeling overwhelmed, call me today.  I want to help you reach every goal you set for yourself and more! 

(816) 803-5742

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Fun Around KC Part 4!

Our final part of the check list!  What fun things did your family do this year? 

Ride all seven roller coasters at Worlds of Fun.
Build a giant Lego tower at Legoland Discovery Center.
Bottle feed baby goats at Deanna Rose Children’s Farmstead.
Touch a sea star at Sea Life Kansas City.
Cheer for Sporting KC.
Delight in delectable gourmet chocolates at Andre’s or Christopher Elbow’s.
Rent a paddleboat at Lake Jacomo.
Learn about Lewis and Clark at Fort Osage.
Sleep with penguins at the Kansas City Zoo.
Ride a bicycle across a high wire at Science City.
Watch a NASCAR race at Kansas Speedway.
Applaud the Kansas City Ballet at the Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts.
Find faces in the woodwork at Vaile Mansion.
Visit the Fairy Princess at Christmas at the Kansas City Museum.

Friday, December 22, 2017

Do you have a veggie hater?

Many kids hate that dreaded green thing that invades their dinner plate.  Vegetables.  They aren't all green...but they are all "EVIL" if you ask a lot of kids.  So how on Earth do you get your kids to eat those ....well we won't say the word....? 

EGGS!!  If you mix veggies with eggs (dice them small!!!) it won't effect the texture and it's super easy to add that "special touch" kids will love! 

BAKED GOODS!! Zucchini bread and all kinds of muffins can be a great (and sneaky) way to get those veggies in! 

SMOOTHIES!!  Avocados, spinach, or kale in a blender with your kids favorite fruits?! Instant win!

PASTA!! Spaghetti a favorite?  Chop up some zucchini, mushrooms, asparagus, or squash up and sneak it in there!  Or make zoodles or turn to the oh so yummy spaghetti squash and skip the noodles!

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