Friday, December 29, 2017


Let's talk about New Years Resolutions!!! 

What are yours this year?!  How are you going to make them happen this year?! 

How can we keep those resolutions? 
Let's face it, very few of us actually keep those big goals we makes!! So the first thing in keeping your resolution is to think about what you REALLY want. 

Weight is a HUGE resolution I hear about.  So I'm going to focus there for now.
Do you want to lose 10 lbs? Or gain 10? Or maintain that 20lbs you lost last year?  Or is your real goal to be healthy?  Why do you want that weight loss goal?

The first step for any weight related goal is to assess.   Do you eat well?  Do you know what the best foods for you are? 

The next step is to set goals to reach your end goal. 
What is the first thing you need to do to step towards your goal?  Do you have a support system?  Do you know what to do to lose/gain your first pound?  Start with a realistic goal. 

Next is to make a plan.
Write out your goals.

And finally.  Smash those goals!!

If you feel your resolution goals leave you feeling overwhelmed, call me today.  I want to help you reach every goal you set for yourself and more! 

(816) 803-5742

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