Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Stay Cool, Get Fit.

    The summer months are heating up but that doesn't mean we can't get fit AND enjoy the outdoors. Swimming is one of the best exercises for you to get into shape! It's a great way to burn calories and fat while also strengthening and toning those muscles. I've gathered a list of my favorite pool exercises to get that summer body.

1. Water jogging

2. Chaos Cardio

3. Fly-Backs

4. Water aerobics

5. Swimming laps

Down below, I've listed a few blogs where you can grab more information on how to perform these exercises.

Friday, June 16, 2017

Father's Day nutrition tips for the dad in your life! (Blog re-post)

     It's Father's Day weekend! I wanted to dedicate this blog to all of the men out there (fathers or not) and share some very important facts about men's health! More often than not, men overlook their health.

    "Cleveland Clinic surveyed men more than 500 men ages 18 to 70 across the United States and found that only three in five men get an annual physical, and just over 40 percent go to the doctor only when they fear they have a serious medical condition." 

      I've included some of my favorite blog posts about men's health as well as some healthy recipes for Father's Day!Help educate the special man in your life! 

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Grocery Shopping Tips!

     One of the keys to nutrition is a healthy and well balanced diet. Which means when we go grocery shopping, we have to keep in mind that our choices of food, snacks and drinks have to reflect what we want to be nutrition wise. 
     I know I'm not the only one who can get distracted by snacks and sweets or extra food items. Next thing I know, I have a cart full of not so healthy foods and incomplete meals. I've come up with a list of tips and tricks to help keep us all on track at the grocery store! 

     1. Create a grocery list 

     This may seem like a no brainer, but when you create a list and stick with it, you'll know what exactly you will be purchasing and what meals you will have. This will make it easier to plan out meals for the week and you won't be left with food going to waste in your fridge.

    2. Don't go when you are hungry 

     I will admit it, I am so guilty of this. When you're hungry, everything sounds good. Which means all of those cookies, chips, sodas and cakes and basically the total opposite of healthy and nutritious ends up in my cart. Eat a quick meal before you head to the store to avoid this problem. 

    3. Spend the most time in the produce section 

     The produce section is typically the first section you see when you walk into a store. It's also the best place to find all of your nutrition needs. Buy a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. Lots of produce can be bought in bulk and frozen so your dollar goes a long way. 

    4.  Go to the farmer's market 
      Not only are these some of the freshest food items you're going to find in your area, if you go close to the end of the day, you'll find some really good deals. 

     5. Read more than just the nutrition label. 

          Before you throw an item in your cart, check the ingredients list along with the nutrition label. Keep an eye out for any suspicious chemicals or bi-products. This will ensure you are putting only the best into your body.  


Monday, June 5, 2017

Check out this blog if your child is a picky eater!

Read this blog to see how this mom got her picky eater to change his eating habits! 

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Healthy Grab-N-Go Meals

     It's officially summertime! That means schools is out, days are packed full with summer activities and meal planning got just a little bit harder. With summer vacations, road trips and days spent at the beach, making sure we have simple meals that are also healthy can be a challenge. Here are a few of my favorite delicious and nutritious recipes!

    Veggie Burritos - These quick and easy burritos are perfect for families on the go. They can also be customized to your individual taste! Get the recipe here: 

   Cherry, Basil, Provolone Gluten Free Grilled Cheese - This modern twist on the grilled cheese is a great post-workout meal. It's also gluten free! Get the recipe here: 

    Baked Homemade Uncrustables - This is the homemade and healthier version of Smuckers Uncrustables! Plus it is budget friendly and kids will love them! You can put them in lunchboxes or grab them as you're walking out the door. Get the recipe here: 

    Make Ahead Lunch Bowls: Greek Chicken and Veggies - If you're a busy parent or teenager, the lunch bowls will be a lifesaver - they're also super yummy! You can meal prep several lunches at a time and grab them out of the refrigerator before you leave the house. Get the recipe here: 

    Crockpot Chicken Parm- We've all been there, our days are so busy between work and running errands and our social lives that sometimes we get home and realize we have nothing to cook for dinner. Usually you would go for something not so healthy and wholesome, right? Well, no more! This Crockpot Chicken Parmesan recipe is not only delicious and healthy, it's an easy meal to start when you leave for work in the morning. By the time you come home at night you have dinner with barely any effort! Get the recipe here:

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