Friday, September 29, 2017


Who knew that something as harmless as eggs or dairy could cause so many problems for some people?! The author Stephanie had been dealing with horrible pain and congestion. All it took was an appointment with her chiropractor to change her life. Read her article below. Does her story sound similar to someone in your life?

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Friday, September 22, 2017

Friday Q&A

Hi, everyone! I'm going to be hosting a question & answer session over on my Facebook today! Ask me any questions you have regarding your diet, nutrition, health etc., The session will be open until 3 PM today. See you there! 

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Five Things To Eat In September (Re-Blog)

"September is a month of transition, when days feel like summer but nights hint that cooler weather is approaching. There’s still an abundance of produce from our gardens, farmers markets and produce aisles at their prime. Here’s our round-up of fresh, tasty fruits and vegetables to seek this month."

Monday, September 11, 2017

Friday, September 8, 2017

Follow me!

If you haven't heard, you can also follow me on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram! 


Twitter: @nutriquette4u 

Instagram: @NutriquetteKC 

You can also visit my website for all other information! 

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Healthy Lasagna Recipes

"A plate of meat lasagna from a restaurant might have as much as 900 calories. Even chicken and vegetable versions at chain restaurants can have more than 500 calories per serving." 

Today I'm bringing you healthier options for the classic lasagna. We're also going to talk about tips and tricks to add nutrition and substance to your dish. 

First of all, traditional lasagna noodles can be full of calories and fats. Try swapping them out for whole-wheat noodles. 

Second, replace beef with Italian sausage or go meatless. This will cut out calories and saturated fat. 

Add nutrients and minerals to your meal with spinach, beans, zucchini, lentils or mushrooms. 

To further reduce calories and fats, use low-fat or part-skim cheeses.

Below I'm going to list some simple recipes I found from some fellow bloggers that incorporate some of the tricks we discussed earlier. 


Low Fat & Low Calorie:

Sausage, Mushroom & Spinach:

Red Lentil Vegetarian:

Thank you to the authors above for the recipe inspiration. Sound off in the comments below letting me know which recipe you'd like to see next!

Friday, September 1, 2017

September Health Awareness Month

  • National Atrial Fibrillation Awareness Month
  • Childhood Cancer Awareness Month
  • National Food Safety Education Month
  • Fruit and Veggies—More Matters Month
  • Healthy Aging Month
  • National ITP Awareness Month
  • Blood Cancer Awareness Month (promoted by the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society)
  • National Cholesterol Education Month
  • Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month
  • National Pediculosis Prevention Month/Head Lice Prevention Month
  • Prostate Cancer Awareness Month
  • National Recovery Month
  • National Sickle Cell Month
  • National Traumatic Brain Injury Awareness Month
  • National Yoga Awareness Month
  • Newborn Screening Awareness Month
  • Whole Grains Month
  • World Alzheimer’s Month
  • Sepsis Awareness Month

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